Recent Activities
Welcome To Anbu Public Charitable Trust
"OMNIA VINCIT AMOR" (Love conquers all)
Anbu Public Charitable Trust cordially welcomes you all. In the language Tamil "Anbu" means love. So you are now entering a chamber of love and care. Once again "Anbu" Charities welcome all the noble hearts to serve and rejoice.
"To help educate poor children by way of giving cost free education in modern methods, empowering women by providing livelihood training, render medical support to the old and needy, help marginalized community and to serve them without cast or creed to ensure their better future".
Founder Speech
How much land does a man need? Asked Leo Tolstoy, But I am asking how much love does a little heart needs. I say that it is limit less. So, we started sharing love to loveless hearts. We have seen many uncared little children near the railway crossing and we started caring them helping them and now it grows into a big banyan tree that is "Anbu Public Charitable Trust".
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Blue Day Celebration
11.11.11 Anbu Charities

Color Concept Teaching
Anbu Nursery Students

Dr.Markanden(Vice Chancellor Of Gandhigram Universtiy)
06.09.2007 Visited Our Anbu Charities

Children's Day Celebration
14.11.11 Anbu Charities